Walt and Amy Lindberg
Musicians, teachers,
writers, parents, disciples

Walt and Amy have been making music together since 2000. They started out leading worship together, and found that they had a good groove. So they got married. They've been worship leaders and church musicians together ever since.
Over a decade, they were always able to find a song that fit in any situation. One day, probably in 2010, they found themselves facing scenes that didn't fit songs by any songwriter they knew, so they decided to try writing some themselves.
By day, he is a mild-mannered elementary band director, but Walt has been writing solo guitar music for years. Together, Walt and Amy's first writing successes were hymn arrangements, and they also built songs around some of their favorite passages of Scripture.
Two studio projects, "Shake Off the Dust" (2013) and "Sickness and Health" (2017), are sprinkled with the grit of parenting, dealing with disappointment, maintaining love amid trials, and seeking meaning in the mundane.
© 2013 by Walt & Amy. All rights reserved.